TIS Security – Password Tips


→ Keep your passwords private – never share a password with anyone else.

→ Do not write down your passwords.

→ Use passwords of at least eight (8) characters or more (longer is better).

→ Use a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers,
and special characters (for example: !, @, &, %, +) in all password

→ Avoid using people’s or pet’s names, or words found in the dictionary;
it’s also best to avoid using key dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).

→ Substituting look-alike characters for letters or numbers is no longer
sufficient (for example, Password” and “P@ssw0rd”).

→ A strong password should look like a series of random characters.

→ On the web, if you think your password may have been compromised, change it at once and then check your other website accounts for misuse. At work, change your password at once, and then call your company’s IT Security help desk.

→ Use two factor authentication for every service online


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